CGCC Payson Field Trip, October 27, 2023
Stratigraphic Column
Slow Start
Great Unconformity
Finding the Contact
Looking for the Missing 1.2 BY
Jake and Eric Exploring
Santoro Crossbeds
Unweathered Quartz from Granite
More Crossbeds
Fulgurite? (Lightning Zap!)
Sandstone Incorporating Quartz
Preparing to Rappel
Instructor Images - Forward your best images for sharing to Jeff. Instructors included Melissa Stuben, Mike Santoro, Tom Ruberto and Jeff Simpson.
Quartz Inclusions (MeS)
Crossbedding (MeS)
Excellent Crossbeds (MS)
Sedimentary Outcrop (KM)
Low-Iron Shale (Solution?) (KM)
Tapeats Sandstone (KM)
Shark Teeth @ Naco Site (KM)
Hermit Shale Mud Cracks (MS)
Melissa & Seds Rock (KM)
Granite Spheroids (KM)
Cliff-Forming Sandstone (KM)
Cliff-Forming Sandstone (KM)
Cliff-Forming Sandstone (KM)
Clay - Pre-Mud Crack (KM)