Thanks to all of you for a good semester. You were kind to each other. You were curious. You asked excellent questions.
You challenged me when I needed to be challenged.
You were open to new and odd experiences.. like smashing granite, walking around campus, drawing cows on white boards.
You were fun! I looked forward to each Tuesday and Thursday.
I hope you learned something along the way and that you will look at our planet a bit differently and treat it a bit more thoughtfully.
After our class ends, you may message me using the form below.
Before you leave, if you are so inclined, please leave some anonymous feedback so that later students may benefit from your insights.
You may answer the following or just share what you want. Again, this may be anonymous, leaving your name and e-mail blank.
What worked well for you? Why?
What should we do more of? Why?
What should we do less of or change? Why?
Suggestions? Appreciations? Thoughts?
To repay you for your feedback, below is the simple recipe.
Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
1 cup butter / 1 tsp soda / 3/4 cup brown sugar / ½ tsp salt / ½ cup granulated sugar / ½ tsp cinnamon
2 eggs / 3 cups oats /. 1 tsp vanilla / 1 ¼ cup all-purpose flour
1. Blend butter and sugar together until fluffy. Blend in eggs and vanilla.
2. Combine flour, soda, salt, and cinnamon.
3. Add all together and mix.
4. Bake at 350° for 9-11 minutes.

CGCC Geology / Ironwood 101
2626 East Pecos Road
Chandler, AZ 85225-2499
Office & Class Hours
Tu / Th 1:30 - 5:30 PM
Contact me for a Zoom session.

China Pics, Christmas, 2023
1. Chopping mushrooms. 2. View from lunch table on leaving day. 3. A very humane feeling here.
4. Delivery guy resting outside the supermarket on his electrocycle. No motorcycles. Quiet, clean, affordable. 5. Morning walk to work.
6. Boss/friend Dr. Wang Xia, me, and the gang at Christmas Eve dinner. 7. Old Baishizhao. 8. Recycling is big. More electrocycles.
9. High-silica granite/syeno-granite. 10. Eifel Tower in Shenzhen. 11. Do (or don't do) this!
12. Miumiu and Stella balancing nuts via induced (temporary) magnetism.
13. Transformer-like guy outside my not-favorite noodle house. 14. Bulletin board. 15. $425 electro cycles. So cool!
16. Cool sweatshirt honoring the world's major cities. 17. Snowman and me.
18. You may remember this problem. 19. At my favorite noodle house... after a 4.5 year wait.
12. 12. Two